Project title: Prediction of post stroke cognitive impairment with MRI-based neuroimaging features
Chair: Vincent Mok,
Coordinator: Zhao Lei,
Leading centre: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Project initiation year: 2021
Participating cohorts: Pending (eligible cohorts: with MRI including FLAIR & T1)
Project status: Proposal shared with project group
- To examine the power of combining ROI-based measures of acute infarct, WMH, old infarct, lacune and brain atrophy for PSCI prediction.
- To examine the power of combining ROI-based measures of acute infarct, WMH, old infarct, lacune and brain atrophy for the prediction of a) cognitive recovery in patients who have PSCI shortly after stroke and b) cognitive deterioration in patients who do not have PSCI shortly after stroke.